Comic Book Arrivals 21 September 2022

Sept 20, 2022
Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special #1

A slight delay with this week's list but hopefully comics should be in store in good time on Wednesday for New Comic Book Day. Here's what you can pick up at Paradox Comics in Poole (or your local purveyor of fine sequential art): 

Lonesome Hunters #4

Frankenstein: New World #2 (of 4) £3.70
Lonesome Hunters #4 (of 4) £3.70
Parasomnia: Dreaming God #2 (of 4) £3.70
Pearl III #5 (of 6) £3.70
Shaolin Cowboy: Cruel to be Kin #5 (of 7) £4.50
Young Hellboy: Assault on Castle Death #2 £3.70

Batman: One Bad Day – Two-Face #1

Action Comics #1 Facsimile Edition £6.30
Batman: One Bad Day – Two-Face #1 £7.15
Batman / Superman: Worlds Finest #7 £3.70
Batman: The Knight #9 (of 10) £4.50
Black Adam #4 £3.70
Catwoman #47 £3.70
Dark Crisis: Young Justice #4 (of 6) £3.70
DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War #3 (of 6) £3.70
DCeased: War of Undead Gods #2 (of 8) £3.70
Duo #5 (of 6) £3.70
Fables #155 £3.70
Flash #786 £3.70
Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Special #1 £8.90
Nightwing #96 £3.70
Titans United: Bloodpact #1 (of 6) £3.70

Creepshow #1

20th Century Men #2 (of 6) £3.70
Beware the Eye of Odin #4 (of 4) £4.50
Creepshow #1 (of 5) £3.70
Deadliest Bouquet #2 (of 5) £3.70
Gunslinger Spawn #12 £2.80
Ice Cream Man #32 £3.70
Manifest Destiny #47 £3.70
Nita Hawes Nightmare Blog #8 £3.70
Public Domain #4 £3.70
Radiant Black #18 £3.70
Rogues Gallery #3 £3.70
Shirtless Bear-Fighter 2 #2 (of 7) £3.70
Vanish #1 £3.70
Walking Dead Deluxe #47 £3.70

Edge of Spider-Verse #4

Avengers #60 £3.70
Avengers Forever #9 £3.70
A.X.E: Judgement Day #5 (of 6) £4.50
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #4 £3.70
Carnage #6 £3.70
Deadpool: Bad Blood #4 £3.70
Edge of Spider-Verse #4 (of 5) £4.50
Fantastic Four #47 £3.70
Iron Cat #4 (of 5) £3.70

X-Terminators #1

Jane Foster: The Mighty Thor #4 (of 5) £3.70
Legion of X #5 £3.70
Mech Strike: Monster Hunters #4 (of 5) £3.70
New Mutants #30 £5.45
Star Wars: Darth Vader #27 £3.70
Star Wars: Mandalorian #3 £4.50
Strange #6 £3.70
Ultraman: Mystery of Ultraseven #2 (of 5) £3.70
X-Men Legends #2 £3.70
X-Men Unlimited: X-Men Green #2 (of 2) £5.45
X-Terminators #1 (of 5) £4.50

Chilling Adventures: Weirder Mysteries #1

2000AD #2300 £4.99
Absolution #3 £3.70
All New Firefly #8 £4.50
Barbaric: Axe to Grind #2 £4.50
Blink #3 £3.70
BRZRKR #10 (of 12) £3.70
Chilling Adventures: Weirder Mysteries #1 £3.70
Cradle of Filth #3 £5.60
Draculina #6 £3.70
Elles #2 £3.70

Stuff of Nightmares #1

Elvira in Horrorland #4 £3.70
Evanescence: Echoes from the Void #2 £4.50
GI Joe: A Real American Hero #298 £3.70
Lady Hel #2 £3.70
Little Red Ronin #3 £4.50
Phantasmagoria #1 £4.50
Quests Aside #5 £4.50
Rick & Morty: Crisis on C-137 #2 £3.70
Rivers of London: Deadly Ever After #4 £3.70
Samurai Sonja #4 £3.70
Star Trek #400 £7.15
Stuff of Nightmares #1 (of 4) £4.50
Usagi Yojimbo #31 £3.70
Vampirella Strikes #5 £3.70
Where Starships Go to Die #4 £3.70
Wynd: Throne in the Sky #2 (of 5) £5.45

Moon Knight Epic Collection - Butchers Moon Tp

Angel Vol.1 Tp £12.99
Moon Knight Epic Collection - Butchers Moon Tp £35.99


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